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【焦點新聞】 法國姊妹校科諾柏勒阿爾卑斯大學 訪團拜會陳校長 深化兩校師生交流

本校法國姊妹校科諾柏勒阿爾卑斯大學國際事務副校長Karine Samuel率領教授暨法國國家科學研究中心主任 Rédouane Borsali、SIRIS學術中心資深顧問Solange Chavel與校長顧問Martin Oudart於上週來訪本校,並由去(2022)年甫獲得該校榮譽博士學位的陳文章校長與李君浩副國際長接待。


此次拜訪陳校長與 Samuel 副校長討論未來兩校研究及教學合作發展方向,提及於化學、材料學和人工智慧領域合作的可能性,並洽談建立兩校間共同種子計畫合作,希望進一步促進師生交流。




科諾伯勒阿爾卑斯大學為本校十所重點姐妹校之一,陳校長與Borsali主任亦為相識多年長期合作的夥伴。自2002年起兩校成為姐妹校至今,學生交流穩定。該校更於今年加入臺大國際引路人計畫 - 全球人才培育聯盟,選送學生透過臺大進入頂尖企業實習跟交流。


Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) Vice-President for International Affairs Karine Samuel led professor and French National Centre for Scientific Research Director Rédouane Borsali, SIRIS Academic Senior Consultant Solange Chavel, and UGA President Advisor Martin Oudart to visit National Taiwan University last week. The delegation was warmly received by President Wen-Chang Chen, the recipient of UGA honorary doctorate degree in 2022, and Associate Vice President for International Affairs Jiun-Haw Lee.


During the visit, President Chen and Vice-President Samuel discussed research and teaching collaboration opportunities. In particular, they identified academic fields for potential partnership, including chemistry, materials science, and artificial intelligence. Moreover, the representatives of the universities deliberated the establishment of joint seed funding program, promoting further faculty and student mobility.


Beyond the meeting, the delegation also toured the Advanced Research Center for Green Materials Science and Technology (ARC-GMST) along Co-Director Borsali and Associate Director Ru-Jong Jeng. Both universities hope to expand bilateral and long-term talent cultivation in relevant fields, deepening the international cooperation.


Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) is one of the ten NTU strategic partners. Besides, President Chen and Director Borsali has also been long-term academic partners. Since the start of the partnership in 2002, student exchange numbers between NTU and UGA has been steady. Furthermore, UGA joined the Global Talent Alliance this year and has selected exchange students to participate in NTU International Mentorship Program and intern at leading corporations in Taiwan.